sell forward
Смотреть что такое "sell forward" в других словарях:
sell forward — sell now and deliver later … English contemporary dictionary
sell forward — /ˌsel fɔ:wəd/ verb to sell foreign currency, commodities, etc. for delivery at a later date … Marketing dictionary in english
sell forward — /ˌsel fɔ:wəd/ verb to sell foreign currency, commodities, etc. for delivery at a later date … Dictionary of banking and finance
Forward — may refer to: * Relative direction, where forward is the opposite of backward * Forward , the motto of the State of Wisconsin * Forward , the motto of the City of Birmingham * Forward contract, an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a pre agreed … Wikipedia
Forward auction — are electronic auctions, which can be used by sellers to sell their items to many potential buyers. Sellers and buyers can be individuals, organizations etc.Items are commonly placed at a special site for auction (e.g. Buyers can… … Wikipedia
Forward contract — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
sell — ▪ I. sell sell 1 [sel] verb sold PTandPP [səʊld ǁ soʊld] 1. [intransitive, transitive] COMMERCE to give someone property, assets, goods, services etc in return for money: • Chrysler plans to raise c … Financial and business terms
sell sth forward — UK US sell sth forward Phrasal Verb with sell({{}}/sel/ verb (sold, sold) ► FINANCE, STOCK MARKET to make an arrangement to sell a commodity in the future at a fixed price: »The group sold forward a mammoth 3.5 million ounces of gold … Financial and business terms
Forward price — The forward price or forward rate is the agreed upon price of an asset in a forward contract. Using the rational pricing assumption, we can express the forward price in terms of the spot price and any dividends etc., so that there is no… … Wikipedia
Forward Pricing — A Securities and Exchange Commission regulation that requires that investment companies price all of their buy and sell orders of fund shares according to the next net asset value (NAV). This valuation process is for open end mutual fund… … Investment dictionary
Forward sale — A method for hedging price risk which involves an agreement between a lender and an investor to sell particular kinds of loans at a specified price and future time. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * forward sale forward sale ➔ sale * *… … Financial and business terms